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Buying door fittings, what should you pay attention to?

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Want to buy door fittings?
Purchasing door fittings is an investment that should last you for years to come. It is therefore important to familiarize yourself with the different options in advance, so that you can make the right choice for your door fittings. This way you can ensure that the door knob, handle or handle fits well with the style of your home and interior. There are several things you can pay attention to when purchasing door fittings : the material, the color, the finish and the size. In this article we will discuss these aspects one by one.

Material of the door fittings

The material you choose for your door fittings depends on the style of your home and the amount of maintenance you want to spend on it. Common materials for door knobs and door handles are stainless steel, iron and brass. These are materials that provide a sturdy doorknob or handle that is not easily damaged. These materials also do not require much maintenance. It is also nice to choose wooden door fittings on the inside of the house, but if you place this on the outside, there is a chance that it will rot. You also have options to use glass or thin, gold-plated materials, but these are unfortunately very sensitive to damage. Thin materials are beautiful, but they can easily be scratched, and glass doorknobs can easily break. So the tip here is to buy decent door fittings.


Buying door fittings, what colors are there?

Common colors used to finish doorknobs and door handles are copper, silver, gold and black. Look at the common colors and styles in the room where the door hardware will be installed and adjust your choice accordingly. Would you prefer a retro look or a cheerful doorknob for the nursery? Then you can also opt for a painted doorknob with different colors and patterns.

Finishing the door fittings

The finish of the door fittings has a lot to do with the style of your home. If you have an older-looking country house, it is nice to give the door fittings a robust, authentic look, for example with a round or oval shape. If your home has a more modern interior, you can also opt for the contemporary black square door knob . Take a good look at the style of your home and adjust the choice of door fittings accordingly. Buying door fittings ensures the perfect finish.

Size of the door fitting

When you purchase new door fittings, it is of course also important that they fit properly in the door. To be sure of this, you can take a number of measurements in advance: the PC size, the door thickness and the hole profile. Buying door fittings online is a very fun activity.

The PC size is the distance between the center of the crank hole and the center of the profile cylinder. You measure this before installing the lock. You can measure the thickness of the door so that you know what length of screws you need. Finally, you can measure the hole profile for a suitable frame: this is the distance from the top screw to the center of the crank hole and the distance from the center of the crank hole to the bottom screw. Once you know these sizes, you can select door fittings that match the style of your interior! Buy door fittings, search for Door Fittings Expert .

Buy door fittings online

Let's get everything straight before you buy door fittings. To buy door fittings online, you can follow a number of steps:

Determine the type of door fittings : Do you already know what type of door fittings you need? There are different types, such as door handles, door knobs, front door fittings, security fittings, etc.

Measuring is knowing : Make sure you know which size you need. When replacing door fittings, it is important that you know the dimensions of the old fittings, such as the distance between the mounting points and the thickness of the door.

Style and finish : Choose a style that suits your interior. Door fittings come in different finishes such as stainless steel, brass, bronze, black or white.

Safety : Consider whether you need security fittings with an SKG quality mark, which stands for Foundation Quality Gevelbouw. This quality mark indicates that the fitting is burglar-resistant.

Function : Decide whether you need a door handle with a lock, a toilet lock or a free/occupied indicator, for example.

Compare and choose : Online you can compare different web shops based on offer, price, delivery conditions, and reviews from other customers.

Ordering : Once you have made a choice, you can order the door fitting of your choice. Enter your address details and choose a payment method. In the Netherlands and Belgium there are several online stores such as, De Oude Deurklink, Deurbeslag Expert, and many others.

Installation : Make sure you have the correct tools for installation. You usually need a screwdriver and sometimes a drill.

Aftercare : After receiving and installing the door fittings, check whether everything functions as desired. If there are any problems, please contact the supplier.

Please note that shipping costs may vary depending on where you purchase the door hardware and where it is to be shipped. Also pay attention to the return conditions in case the door fitting does not meet your expectations. At the Door Hardware Expert we take care of all of the above.