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Keyed alike cylinder locks Why is that useful

keyed alike cylinder locks DOM-plura-black-5 keyed alike cylinders dom black profile cylinder plura

Life can be simple and safe with keyed alike cylinder locks. Have you ever thought about how many keys you use in total every day? For your front door, the back door, the gate to the garden, and the garage, and perhaps more. And that's just for your house. We haven't even talked about your office, your business space or work and some other places you regularly visit. It could be a whole bunch of keys! This is where keyed alike cylinder locks come into the picture. Let's take a look at why these locks are not only useful, but also how they can make your life easier and more secure.

What are Keyed Alike Cylinder Locks?

What exactly are keyed alike cylinder locks? Imagine one key that opens all the doors in your house. That is the idea behind keyed alike cylinder locks. These locks are designed in such a way that one and the same key fits on multiple locks. This does not mean that security is less; the cylinders in these locks are just as safe as those in unique locks. The big advantage is the convenience. You no longer have to search for the right key for every door. The front door, the back door and the door to the garage all have the same key. This is especially useful if you have a lot of doors in your house or if you simply don't like a heavy set of keys.

keyed alike cylinder locks pfaffenhain

Advantages of Keyed Alike Cylinder Locks Around the House

The advantages of keyed alike cylinder locks around the house are numerous. First, the convenience. One key for all doors makes your life simpler. Imagine coming home in the evening and finding the right key without searching. Even if you need to give someone access to your home, for example a cleaner or a family member, one key is much more convenient. In addition, it ensures fewer keys on your key ring, which is better for the locks. A heavy set of keys can damage the lock cylinder over time.

How Do You Choose The Right Keyed Alike Cylinder Locks?

When choosing the right keyed alike cylinder locks, there are a few things you should pay attention to. First of all, safety. Make sure that the locks you choose are of high quality and provide good security. Look for quality marks and certificates that guarantee safety. Spend a little more budget and go for a high-quality lock quality mark such as SKG. Also consider the number of doors you want to fit with these locks. Not all locks are suitable for every type of door, so make sure you choose the right size and type of lock. Finally, consider comfort. Choose a key that fits comfortably in your hand and is not too big or too small. Two brands to keep an eye on are DOM and Pfaffenhain .

Installation And Maintenance Of Keyed Alike Locks

The installation of keyed alike locks is not much different than that of traditional locks. However, it is important that this is done accurately. A poorly installed lock can reduce security. Consider hiring a professional for installation, especially if you don't have much experience replacing locks. In terms of maintenance, it is important to regularly check your locks for wear and tear and keep them clean. A little lock spray helps keep your locks working smoothly.

keyed alike cylinder locks dom plura-matt-black-5 keyed alike cylinders dom black knob cylinder Plura

Have keyed alike cylinder locks installed by a professional

If you decide to switch to keyed alike cylinder locks, it is essential to have them installed by a professional. This article highlights why professional installation is important and what you can expect when you hire an expert.

The Need for Professional Installation – You might think that installing keyed alike cylinder locks is a simple DIY task. But there is more to it than you think. A professional has the right knowledge and tools to carry out the installation correctly and safely. By calling in a professional, you can avoid problems such as poorly fitting locks or damage to your door, which can ultimately lead to safety risks. In addition, a professional ensures that the locks function optimally and that your new key system is safe and reliable.

What Does De Vakman Do Differently? – A lock professional will first thoroughly inspect your doors and existing locks. This is important to determine which type of keyed alike cylinder lock best suits each door. Dimensions, the material of the door, and the current lock mechanism play a role in this. The professional will then carefully remove the old locks and install the new keyed cylinder locks. He ensures perfect coordination and ensures that each lock functions smoothly with the corresponding key.

Security Aspects And Additional Services – Another important advantage of hiring a professional is that he can advise you on additional security measures. Keyed alike cylinder locks are already a step in the right direction in terms of security, but additional adjustments or additions may be necessary to optimally secure your home. Consider anti-burglary strips, additional locks, or digital security solutions. A good locksmith will also inform you about the maintenance of your locks to ensure that they last a long time and continue to function properly.

After Installation – After installing the keyed alike cylinder locks, the professional will perform a check to ensure that everything is working correctly. He will also show you how to best use and maintain the new locks. Furthermore, it is important to know that many locksmiths offer a warranty on both the locks and their work. This means that if there are any problems after installation, you can count on their support to solve them.

The Importance of a Reliable Professional – Choosing a reliable and experienced professional or lock installation service is crucial. Look for locksmiths with good reviews and who are recognized within the industry. Make sure you get a clear idea of ​​the costs before work begins to avoid unpleasant surprises. A professional locksmith will always be willing to answer your questions and provide you with a detailed quote.

keyed alike cylinder locks 5 keyed alike cylinders

Security Aspects of Keyed Alike Cylinder Locks

You may wonder whether keyed alike cylinder locks are safe. The answer is yes, they can be just as secure as traditional locks. The most important thing is to choose high-quality locks with strong cylinders. Some people worry that if one key is lost, all your doors are vulnerable. This is true, but the same risk applies if you have different keys. It is always important to quickly replace lost keys and change the locks if necessary.

Keyed Alike Cylinder Locks Some Facts

There are a few interesting facts about keyed alike cylinder locks that are worth mentioning. First of all, they're not just for houses. They can also be used for offices, garages, and even mailboxes. Also, despite working with the same key, each cylinder can be set differently for added security. And if you're thinking about expanding in the future, many systems can be customized to add more locks, all working with the same key.

The Comparison of Keyed Alike vs. Traditional Cylinder Locks

How do keyed alike cylinder locks compare to traditional locks? The biggest difference is convenience. With traditional locks, each door has its own key, which can lead to an overcrowded key ring. Keyed alike locks offer the convenience of one key for everything. In terms of security, there is no significant difference as long as you choose good quality locks with the right security features.

Keyed alike cylinder locks offer a combination of convenience and security that can be very valuable in everyday life. By choosing the right locks, proper installation and regular maintenance, you can enjoy the convenience of one key for all your doors without sacrificing security. Whether you want to simplify your home or just feel more secure, keyed alike cylinder locks are worth considering. The Door Hardware Expert is always there for you with advice and advice.