
Protect door fittings

Door fittings expert protect door fittings

Now that you have provided your home with beautiful door handles, you also want them to remain beautiful for as long as possible. So you want to protect your door fittings. A door handle is touched day in and day out, sometimes with clean, but sometimes with dirty hands. Yet we do not always think about this and door fittings rarely cleaned. Because dirt can damage the door handle, below are some tips for maintaining door fittings.

Painting door fittings

If you are going to give your doors a lick of paint, remove the door fittings in advance . This way you ensure that no paint gets on your doorknob or handle, because you cannot get it off without damaging the door handle. Do not reinstall the door fittings until the paint fumes have dissipated and the paint has hardened. Not only are you less likely to damage your newly painted door, but you also prevent the paint vapor from affecting the door fittings.

Protect and clean door fittings

To prevent deposits, you should clean your door fittings at least once every two months. Depending on the material your door fittings are made of, you will have to approach this in different ways.

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And with stainless steel?

You can protect your Stainless Steel door fittings by cleaning them with water and (non-abrasive) cleaning agent. You can also use special stainless steel cleaner, which is available at hardware stores and on the internet. To make your door fittings shine, you can polish your door fittings with a drop of lettuce or olive oil. Click here for more detailed instructions .

Brass requires special treatment

If your door fittings are made of brass, you can use a damp cloth or sponge. The use of cleaning agents is not recommended because they can damage the brass lacquer layer. If this happens, the brass can oxidize. For protection, you can rub your door fittings with a thin layer of acid-free Vaseline or clear wax after cleaning.

Wrought iron door fittings

To clean wrought iron, it is best to put some light oil on a cloth and rub your door fittings with it. If there is damage to your door fittings, you can touch this up with special wrought iron paint. Protecting wrought iron door fittings can be so simple.

Protect door fittings and still prevent deposits

If there is deposits on your door fittings, it is possible to have your door fittings polished. It is important to keep in mind that this involves sanding away a very small part of the door fittings, so any decorations may be lost. If your door fittings are polished, they will look shiny and new again. If you do not want to have your door fittings polished, you can also use an anti-tarnish product.

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