House numbers

Every house needs a house number, which is useful for the postman or people who pass by. We have all kinds of different colors and sizes of house numbers, so shop for your house numbers with us now.

Intersteel House number 4 stainless steel matt black

Original price was: €22.50.Current price is: €17.20.

Intersteel House number 1 stainless steel matt black

Original price was: €22.50.Current price is: €18.95.

Intersteel House number 5 stainless steel matt black

Original price was: €22.50.Current price is: €18.90.

Intersteel House number 2 stainless steel matt black

Original price was: €22.50.Current price is: €18.90.

Intersteel House letter A 100 mm stainless steel/matt black

Original price was: €30.95.Current price is: €25.40.

Intersteel House letter E 100 mm stainless steel/matt black

Original price was: €30.95.Current price is: €25.20.

Intersteel House number 9 XXL height 50 cm stainless steel/matt black

Original price was: €86.25.Current price is: €65.90.

Intersteel House number 8 XXL height 50 cm stainless steel/matt black

Original price was: €86.25.Current price is: €66.85.

Intersteel House number 2 XXL height 50 cm stainless steel/matt black

Original price was: €86.25.Current price is: €65.90.

Intersteel House number 1 XL height 30 cm stainless steel/matt black

Original price was: €44.25.Current price is: €33.80.

Intersteel House number 1 150x2mm brushed stainless steel

Original price was: €19.50.Current price is: €14.90.

Intersteel House number 2 150mm brushed stainless steel

Original price was: €20.95.Current price is: €17.55.

Recently viewed products

You can buy a house number sign quickly and easily at We have an extensive range of house numbers in our range (of course from 1 to 9). On the left you can easily filter by color, style and which numbers (or letters) you need. You can simply order your house number(s) online in our online store. Orders are shipped from stock and therefore reach you within 48 hours. Payment is of course completely safe via our secure website. And do you have any questions? Then simply ask them via our live chat, for example.

Choose a house number

Do you have a new home? Or does your old house number really need to be replaced after years? You can find a new house number sign quickly and easily at Deurbeslag In our store you can choose from many types, sizes and materials. And that in both numbers and house letters .

Choose and combine

One of the major advantages of purchasing a house number from is that you can choose a house number and/or letter that immediately matches the rest of your door fittings . So you can immediately buy a number and/or letter with a doorbell , security fittings , door handles and letterbox . So everything in the same style, ordered directly from us and delivered to your home within 48 hours!

How do you go about buying a house number?

If you want to buy a house number or house numbers, there are several things you should pay attention to. It starts with choosing the style that suits your home. Are you thinking of modern, rural or vintage? You can easily filter on this on the left.

Then, after the first selection, you choose the material you would like. For example, stainless steel, chrome or black. Did you know that black door fittings are becoming increasingly popular? This is because it looks very modern.

Then choose the numbers and letters you would like. You can easily filter on the left, for example by numbers and letters, or you can click on the subcategories.

Once you've found everything you need? Don't forget extra items, such as a doorbell, letterbox, front door knob or security fittings . We offer many sets, where everything falls within one style. This way you can immediately give your entire door a new look.

Have you really found everything? Then you can order everything quickly and cheaply in our online store. is an expert in everything that hangs in and around your exterior and interior doors. Such as handles, locks, but also indoor door handles or accessories.

All orders are shipped directly from our stock, meaning they will be delivered to you within 48 hours. You may keep all products on display for 30 days. And do you want to place a large order? Then you can always request a tailor-made quote from us.

Are you a business customer? Then you can become a partner with us through the partner program. If you would like more information about this, simply email us and we will send you more information immediately.

A wide range with all shapes and sizes

Within our range you will find house numbers in different colors, such as brushed stainless steel, chrome, brass, black and much more. We therefore offer you an extensive choice of material types. The black variants in particular are becoming increasingly popular in Europe.

In terms of design, you can choose Modern & Sleek, Rural & Classic or Vintage & Retro. The different types of materials also belong to the different styles.

House number stainless steel

Are you specifically looking for stainless steel house numbers? Then you have come to the right place. On this page you will find an extensive range of house numbers and house letters made of stainless steel. If you only want to see the stainless steel house numbers on this page, you can easily filter by stainless steel on the left.