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The Difference Between Door Hardware & Security Hardware

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Is there a difference between door fittings and security fittings? When you think about securing your home, there are many aspects that you need to take into account. One of these is choosing the right hardware for your doors. Door fittings and security fittings may seem similar, but there are important differences. In this article we delve deeper into the world of door fittings and security fittings. We'll look at what they are, how they differ, and why it's important to choose the right hardware for your situation.

What is Door Hardware?

Let's start with the basics: what exactly is door fittings? In its simplest form, door hardware refers to all the metal parts that are attached to and around your door. This includes hinges, latches, knobs and locks. Door hardware comes in a variety of styles and finishes, from modern to classic, and can play a subtle but important role in the overall appearance of your door and therefore your home. But it's not just a matter of aesthetics. Good door fittings also ensure smooth functionality of your door. It helps your door open, close and, if necessary, lock with ease.

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What is Security Seizures?

Now, what differentiates security hardware from regular door hardware? Security fittings, as the name suggests, are specially designed to provide extra security against burglary attempts. It's not just about the aesthetic aspect; the focus is mainly on safety. This type of hardware is often made of stronger material and has specific designs that make it more difficult to manipulate the lock or force the door open. For example, it may include anti-core pull hardware, which helps prevent burglars from removing or damaging the lock's cylinder.

How big is the price difference

You may be wondering: what does all this mean for my wallet? In general, security hardware is more expensive than standard door hardware. This is due to the use of more robust materials and advanced designs aimed at increasing safety. However, the price of security fittings can vary greatly depending on brand, quality and additional security features. It's important to remember that while the initial costs may be higher, the investment in security hardware can pay off in the long run in the form of better security and peace of mind.

How is security guaranteed with security seizures?

So, how exactly does security hardware provide that extra security ? There are different ways. First, the material is often stronger, which makes it more difficult to force or damage it. In addition, many security fittings have built-in cylinder protection, such as the aforementioned anti-core pulling fitting, which prevents burglars from drilling or pulling out the cylinder. The way in which the fitting is attached to the door also plays a role. Security hardware is often installed with long screws that go deep into the door and frame, making it more difficult to pry the hardware loose.

Are there quality marks for door fittings

Finally, how do you know if your door fittings or security fittings are of good quality? This is where quality marks come into play. In many countries, including the Netherlands, there are quality marks that indicate whether a product meets certain safety standards. These quality marks are crucial for door fittings. They show that the fitting has been tested and meets specific requirements in the field of burglary resistance. Some well-known quality marks are the SKG quality mark (Foundation for Quality Gevelbouw) and the Police Quality Mark for Safe Living. These quality marks not only provide an indication of the quality and safety of the product, but can also influence, for example, the insurance premiums for your home.

By choosing the right door fittings or security fittings, you can not only improve the appearance of your home, but also contribute to a safer home.

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Are there quality marks for security fittings?

When purchasing security fittings, it is important to pay attention to the presence of quality marks. These quality marks are your guarantee that the product has been tested and meets strict safety standards. In the Netherlands and Belgium, the SKG quality mark (Foundation for Quality Gevelbouw) is a well-known example. This quality mark classifies security fittings based on the degree of burglary resistance, ranging from one to three stars, with three stars offering the highest security. Another important quality mark is the Police Quality Mark for Safe Living, which indicates that a product meets the requirements for burglary prevention. These quality marks not only help you make a safe choice, but can also influence the insurance of your home. A product with a recognized quality mark can sometimes lead to a discount on your home contents or buildings insurance.

Safety First..!

Safety at home starts with prevention. An important part of this is choosing the right security fittings for your doors. Security fittings with anti-core pulling protection, for example, make it considerably more difficult for burglars to gain entry. It is also important to think about the overall safety of your home. Consider securing windows, installing an alarm system, and using good outdoor lighting. Regular maintenance and inspection of your locks and fittings are also crucial. Wear and tear can reduce the effectiveness of even the best security fittings. Remember: safety is not a one-time action, but an ongoing process of awareness and improvement.

Buy door fittings & security fittings online

Nowadays it is easier than ever to purchase door fittings and security fittings online. Our online store Doorgeslag Expert Slotenspeciaalzaak offers a wide range of options. The advantage of online shopping is the accessibility of a wide range of products, often at competitive prices. You can easily compare different types of fittings and read reviews from other customers. In our reliable webshop you can check whether the products have the necessary quality marks. It is also important to take the specifications of your doors and locks into account. Not every type of fitting is suitable for every door or lock. If in doubt, it is advisable to ask our product customer service expert for advice. This way you are assured of a safe and suitable purchase for your home.

Installing door fittings & security fittings yourself: What you should consider

door fittings or security fittings yourself , there are some important points to take into account. First of all, make sure you have the right tools and hardware to match your door and lock. It is essential that the hardware is installed correctly, not only for safety, but also to prevent damage to the door. Measure everything carefully and follow the installation instructions carefully. With security hardware, it is critical that all security components are installed correctly. If you are unsure of your DIY skills, it is advisable to call in a professional. An incorrectly installed lock or fitting can compromise the security of your home. If you would like to outsource the installation of door fittings or security fittings, please contact our Installation Service Locks Service Uden .

The choice between door fittings and security fittings is more than an aesthetic consideration; it's about ensuring the safety of your home. While standard door hardware may suffice for basic functionality and style, security hardware provides increased protection against burglary. When purchasing, pay attention to relevant quality marks such as SKG and the Police Quality Mark Safe Living, which guarantee the quality and safety of the product. Whether you choose to install it yourself or hire a professional, it is essential that the fittings are installed correctly. Ultimately, choosing the right hardware contributes to both the aesthetics and safety of your home.