Information , Inspiration , Maintenance

Can Security Strips Really Make My Home Safer?

Security strips axa

If you're considering improving the security of your home, you may have heard of security strips. But the question remains: can they really make your home safer? On the page we take a closer look at security strips, from the basics, purchase to implementation, and help you understand how they can increase the security of your home.

What is a Security Strip?

Security strips are simple yet powerful tools for securing the doors and windows of your home. They are designed to protect the vulnerable parts of the door or window openings against burglary attempts. These strips act as an extra barrier, making it more difficult for burglars to enter. They are often made of robust materials such as metal, which can withstand forcing and other forms of attack. The idea is simple: make it as difficult as possible for burglars to enter your home, and they will likely give up and go elsewhere. View our collection of AXA security strips .

Why Should I Install Security Strips for My Home?

You may be wondering why you should invest in security strips. The main reason is that they provide an extra layer of protection. Burglars are often looking for easy targets, and homes without adequate security are perfect for them. By installing security strips on your doors and windows, you make it more difficult for them. It also sends a strong message that your home is well secured, which in itself can be a deterrent. In addition, security strips not only provide protection against burglaries, but they also help maintain the structural integrity of your doors and windows.

Security strip-axa

What Types of Security Strips Are There?

There are different types of security strips, each designed for a specific type of door or window. Some are more robust and offer higher levels of security, while others offer more basic protection. Your choice depends on the level of security you need and the type of door or window you want to protect. It is important to choose a type that suits the specific needs of your home. For example, if you live in an area prone to burglaries, you may want to invest in more robust options.

Security Strips For Front Doors

The front door is one of the most common entry points for burglars. Security strips for front doors are specially designed to additionally strengthen these doors. They help protect the edges of the door, making it harder to force open them. These strips can also help keep the door in place even if the lock is forced, requiring burglars to invest more time and effort to gain entry.

Security Strips For Back Doors

Back doors are often less visible and can therefore be more attractive to burglars. Security strips for rear doors work similarly to those for front doors, but they are often designed to be more discreet given the lower visibility of rear doors. By installing a security strip, you can make the back door as secure as the front door, eliminating a potential vulnerable point in your home security.

Security strip for sliding doors

Sliding doors are a beautiful addition to a home, but they can also pose a security risk. Sliding door security strips are designed to protect the movable panels and prevent them from being lifted from their tracks. This makes it much more difficult for burglars to gain access to your home via this route.

Security strip for windows and skylights

Windows and skylights are essential for light and ventilation, but they also need to be properly secured. Security strips for windows and skylights are often thinner and more discreet, but still powerful enough to provide a sturdy barrier against burglars. They help prevent windows from being forced open or the glass from being broken to gain access.

security strips

Can I install security strips myself?

Yes, it is possible to install security strips yourself. With the right tools and instructions, you can perform this task yourself. It does require some skill and knowledge of DIY projects, but it is certainly doable for the average homeowner. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully to ensure the strips are installed correctly.

What Tools Do I Need to Install Security Strips Myself?

To install security strips you will need some basic tools, such as a screwdriver, hammer and measuring tape. Depending on the type of strip you're installing, you may also need specific mounting hardware, such as screws or nails. Make sure you check what's needed beforehand so you have everything you need on hand before you start.

Are There Professionals Who Install Security Strips?

Yes, there are professionals who specialize in installing security strips. If you're not confident in your own DIY skills, or would rather leave the installation to a professional, there are plenty of professionals you can hire. These experts have the knowledge and experience to install the strips efficiently and effectively, so you can be assured of the best security.

How much do security strips cost for my entire house?

The cost of securing your home with security strips can vary. Factors such as the type and number of strips you need, and whether you install them yourself or hire a professional, will affect the total cost. It's important to consider different options and get quotes so you can make an informed decision that fits your budget and security needs.

Buying security strips online, is that okay?

Buying security strips online is certainly an option. The variety of security strips is large, but all our professionals work with security strips from AXA . However, make sure you buy from a reputed seller or website to ensure the quality and reliability of the comics you buy. Reading customer reviews and checking return and warranty policies is also recommended.

Do I Have to Be Very Handy to Install Security Strips?

While some skill is helpful, you don't have to be an expert to install security strips. With detailed instructions and the right tools, it's a task that many homeowners can do themselves. However, if you feel uncomfortable or unsure of your skills, hiring a professional may be a good idea.

Security strips are a valuable addition to your home's security measures, providing a strong and effective barrier against burglaries. The many options available and the ability to install them yourself or hire a professional allow you to make a choice that best suits your needs and skills. Investing in security strips is a practical step towards a safer home.