Safety , Job Guide

What is a core pull protection?

Core pull protection, core pull protection

What is core pulling protection? One of the newer developments in the field of burglary is nuclear pulling . It is increasingly used because it is a simple method for burglars to open a (front) door. In fact, it is one of the most commonly used methods of burglary . Besides the fact that core pulling only requires standard tools (which every do-it-yourselfer has at home), it is a super-fast method to open a lock. An experienced burglar is inside within 20 seconds . In this article we explain everything about core traits. What is it exactly? And more importantly: how can you protect your home against it?

What is core pulling?

Core pulling is essentially very simple. With the help of a drill, the burglar screws a screw into the cylinder lock of the door. He can then use a claw hammer (or other homemade tool) to pull the screw, cylinder and all, out of the door. This way he gains access to the lock. Now it's a matter of turning the lock and voilà, the door is open. All this can usually be done in less than 20 seconds. For a clear video of how burglars use core traits, you can watch the police video below:

Core pulling protection

The cylinder lock is central to core pulling. This is broken down, giving the burglar access to your home. Fortunately, it is possible to make the cylinder lock core pull-proof with a core pull protection. You can choose from two different methods:

An anti-core pulling cylinder is a reinforced cylinder. This allows the cylinder to withstand extra pulling force. The burglar cannot pull it out of the lock. When choosing an anti-core pulling cylinder, it is recommended to choose one that can withstand more than 15Kn. Core pull batter, on the other hand, works in a different way. The extra sturdy fittings are placed from the inside, so no screws are visible from the outside. In this way, the burglar cannot even gain access to the cylinder lock, so core extraction will be pointless.

Legislation regarding core pulling and core pulling protectionCore pull protection, core pull protection

At the moment, few locks in the Netherlands are core pull-proof. This is because it is a newer burglary method. So there is currently no clear legislation on how your door should be protected against core pulling. However, the Police Quality Mark for Safe Living (PKVW) recommends the following:

  • Install at least one SKG*** cylinder (we will tell you more about this later in this article)
  • Place core pulling fitting/reinforced cylinder with a minimum pull-out force of 15Kn

The 'Bulgarian Method' 

The Bulgarian Method has similarities with standard core traits. However, the big difference is that the Bulgarian method is often applied to simple locks. In addition, the burglar can be inside within seconds. The method can be applied if you have a lock where the cylinder protrudes a few millimeters outside the door and the door fitting is screwed into the door from the outside. The Bulgarian Method works as follows:

  • The burglar unscrews the door fitting or takes it out with a screwdriver
  • The cylinder lock is knocked out with the help of pliers
  • The door is open

The best solutions against the Bulgarian Method are to install a lock where the cylinder does not protrude more than a millimeter, or the door fittings are installed from the inside of the door. Watch the video below from the Brabant police to see how the Bulgarian method works:

The SKG quality mark

Do you really want to combat core pulling? Then core pulling protection is the only solution. The SKG quality mark is a quality mark given by the Gevelbouw Quality Foundation. They test locks for their strength and durability. Their quality mark consists of 3 classes: SKG*, SKG** and SKG***. As mentioned earlier, PKVW recommends installing a lock with SKG***. The star rating is given for how long the product detains the burglar. SKG*** locks keep the burglar at bay for at least 5 minutes. This sounds short, but for a burglar every minute seems like an eternity. With every second longer they are on the lock, the chance of being caught increases. The core pulling protection works. Many burglars therefore choose the easy way out and quickly ignore SKG*** locks when they come across them.

General tips for improving safety

There are several tips for increasing the security of your home, for example, the police, government and we advise you to always opt for security fittings with core pulling protection (/ SKG quality mark), a door camera / digital door spy and a gap holder . By using these products in your home you immediately increase safety considerably. However, there are also other practical tips. For example, it is recommended to create a WhatsApp group with residents in your neighborhood, so that you can immediately point out suspicious people in the neighborhood. Another thing of note, burglars often mark a house if it is a good target for a home invasion. Take photos and send them to the police, then remove this marker so the burglars know someone is home.

More questions about core pulling protection, call or app us. Door Hardware Expert Lock Specialist .